Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Erin, our #1 FAN

Slacking after vacation. (Sorry about no post yesterday.)

I would like to give a shout out to one of our few loyal readers, Erin.

Erin works with Lindsay at Graco. While we were away on vacation, she posted a message explaining that she missed reading the blog while we were away. Isn't that nice! Considering I have to beg or actually email the blog to some of my own family members to get them to read it.

Editor's Note - Family, don't get upset...I know there are a lot of you that check the site regularly (Kristen, Nana, Marsha, Annie, Mom to name a few) Remember this is all in fun. Seriously!

So I was thinking....what can we do to reward Erin for her commitment and loyalty to "The Bird's Got the Word?"

I know....we will anoint her this sites #1 FAN. From here on out (until I feel someone else is deserving)

ERIN is hereby declared to be this blogs #1 FAN.

Thanks Erin!

Okay, now....this year on vacation I had the opportunity to play music with my cousins. Captured on film for the first time is actual footage of one of our performances. Check out these great singers! Great job girls.

Keep practicing...hopefully we can play this and a few others Sunday at Brandon's graduation party.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the shout out guys! It was shocking to check your blog and see myself!! So funny...

Great performance- you guys are rock stars!!

Lebrescos said...

This is why Erin is our #1 fan, she leaves comments! I don't even think Erin is in the office today and she is still making time to check out what's happening. Thanks again Erin.

Anonymous said...

So....if Erin is your #1 fan...I would like to nominate myself as the Starsky to her Hutch!

The # 1...I mean #2 fan of TBGTW :)