Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Show starts @ 9pm. Don't be late!!! My first 3 songs are the best, it's all downhill after that....just kidding!

That's it...I need to go practice!!!

Christmas Gift Exchange List

Here it is folks, this years list!

Pattie has Carol

Nick has Marsha

Chris has Tommy

Lindsay has Patti S

Mark has Craig

Kristen has Jenna

Philip has Alisa

Krista has Ann

Tom has Nickie

Jenna has Glenn

Liz has Kristen

Marsha has Philip

Craig has Mark

Ann has Liz

Alisa has Lindsay

Carol has Christopher

Glenn has Pattie

Patti has Krista

Get out there and kick-start our economy!

Sorry to those of you who are not part of this exchange. If you would like a gift, please leave a comment with a detailed explanation as to why you should get one!

People are starting to get upset!

Recently, I have been taking some heat for the lack of content being posted here on the blog. I would like to apologize to my loyal readers for not keeping up with the blog lately.

Here is an example....

Email from "Anonymous"

Seriously?.............What is going on with the blog? We are now one week since the last post. I think I might be up for a guest spot. I’d like to write about how disappointed I am in the lack of content over the last couple of weeks.

Take care of those “precious children.”


Tom Hindman

I apologize and will have new posts coming soon!
I promise.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Songs I Like....

Here are 4 great songs I have been listening to lately!

Conviction of the Heart - Kenny Loggins

Winter Birds - Ray LaMontagne

Not Ready To Make Nice - Dixie Chicks

No One Is To Blame - Howard Jones (Cover)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thanks Tom!

Tom Hindman (aka T Hizzle) my neighbor and friend took me to the EAGLES game. It was awesome.

Chris' take-aways of the game.

1. I ate way too much (Pulled pork sandwich, cole slaw, chips, a huge Chicago style slice of pizza, and washed down with a Mountain Dew!)
2. I referenced the movie "Teen Wolf" at the Tailgate....my bad Tom. Tom will be hearing at the next game..."Tom...dude, what's with your friend...he was throwing out Teen Wolf quotes...where did you find this guy!"
3. I got made fun of at our seats for wearing Wool gloves with snowflake patterns on them. The guys were referring to them as "Oven Mitts!" Again, my bad Tom!
4. Hundreds of people pay good money for their seats and sit inside the concourse and watch the game on TV. (and it wasn't even that cold) WTF!!!
5. Coach Andy Reid has to do a better job next time to put his players in a better position to win. That I know for a fact!

Fun with my daughter, "B"

Friday, November 7, 2008


Joke #1

An American couple was moving to Australia and had successfully smuggled out their pet snake and pet skunk. They were going through customs in Australia and were about to be searched by Customs Officials.
They panicked and were wondering what to do when the husband said; "I know, I'll tie the snake around my waste and say it is a belt and you can put the skunk up your dress!" The wife replied "Great! but what about the smell?" The husband said "Oh well, if it dies, it dies!"

A very "experienced" young cowboy and VERY "innocent" cowgirl decided to get married. After the wedding they left for their honeymoon. While driving down the road, the new bride sees two cows "going at it" The new bride asks, "What are them cows up to, honey?" The husband, a bit flustered, answers, "Why can't you see? Them cows, they're roping!" After a few more hours of driving they pass two horses having "going at it" Again the bride asks, "What are them horses doing, honey?"
The husband answers again, "Them horses, they're roping too!" Finally they arrive at their hotel, go to bed & start to explore each other's bodies. Things are going along fine until the bride discovers her husband's willie. "Oh my!" she cries: "What is that?" "Well, darlin'," he says, "That's ma'rope!" She slides her hands down further and gasps, "Oh my goodness! What are those?" "Honey, those 're my knots!" he answers. Finally the couple begins to make love. After several minutes the bride says, "Stop honey, wait a minute!" Her husband, panting a little, asks: "What's the matter honey, am I hurting you?" "No," the bride replies, "undo them darn knots, I need more rope!"

Have a great weekend!

Coming next week! Trick or Treating pictures

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Change, it's a wave, building before it breaks!

I thought this was appropriate for today!

World as come undone
like to change it everyday
Change don't come at once
It's a wave.....building before it breaks

Can't wait for election day
Good news to the occupation
Corporations rule the day
Well you know the pendulum throws
Farther out to the one side swinging
Has to sweep back the other way

All this hope and nowhere to go
This is how I used to feel but no more

Pearl Jam - Undone

My version!

I hope you all voted today!

Monday, November 3, 2008

I got this in an email today....I don't know the person that sent it and actually reported it as spam. All that being said, I read the message and really liked it. Here it is.....

Joe gets up at a.m. and fills his coffeepot with water for coffee. The water is clean because some tree-hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. With his first swallow, he takes his daily pills, which are safe because some stupid commie liberal fought to ensure that they work as advertised.

All but $10 of his medications are paid for by his employer's medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance - now Joe gets it too, although he is not in the union.

He cooks breakfast- bacon and eggs - safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry and the Democratic Congress - led by a woman - prevented the FDA from caving in to the meat industry.

After his shower - with properly labeled soap and shampoo, thanks to the FDA - Joe walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air is clean because some environmentalist wacko liberal fought for the laws to stop industries from polluting our air.

He walks on the government-provided sidewalk to a subway station for his government-subsidized ride to work. It saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees because some Prius-loving liberal fought for affordable public transportation.

Joe has a good job with excellent pay, medical benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because socialist lazy liberal union members fought and died for them.

At noon, Joe makes a bank deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FDIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression.

Joe has a below-market fede ral student loan because some elitist liberal decided that Joe and the nation would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his lifetime...helped by his degree at a state funded university.

Joe visits his dad at his boyhood home - driving there on a state-funded highway. His was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers' Home Administration because bankers didn't want to make rural loans.

The house didn't have electricity until some big-government liberal stuck his nose where it didn't belong and demanded rural electrification.

Joe's father lives on Social Security and a union pension because some wine-drinking, brie-eating, French-speaking liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn't have to.

On his ride home he listens to Rush complaining that liberals are ruining the country and only conservatives are moral and know what they are doing. Rush doesn't mention that the Republicans have fought aga inst every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day. And Joe doesn't think about it - he is too busy being a proud dittohead who agrees: "We don't need those big-government liberals ruining our lives! After all, I'm a self-made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have."


Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created social security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act.

What did Conservatives do? They opposed every one of those programs. Every one. So when you try to hurl the word 'liberal' at my feet, as if it were dirty, something to run away from, something that I should be ashamed of, it won't work, because I will pick up that label and wear it as a badge of honor.

Saturday, November 1, 2008